Manju & Nikita


10-year-old Manju starts her day at 5:00 am helping her mother bring water from a location several kilometers away back to their family. Afterwards, she helps her mother feed their goats.

Because Manju has a copious amount of housework, she can only go to school after all her work has been completed, so she cannot attend school on a regular basis.

Thanks to the generous support of donors Varshney Family Foundation and Richa & Atul Aggarwal Foundation, Manju and her sister Nikita will be able to pursue her dreams.

A new rainawter harvesting tank is under construction for Manju’s family. After the tank has been completed in January 2018, Manju will have time to devote to her education — she loves studying and aspires to complete her schooling, pursue college, and become a nurse or a teacher. In addition, Manju will be able to cycle to school and will receive school supplies and tuition for school fees.

Finally, Manju and Nikita’s family will be able to grow vegetables using the khadin method; which uses rainwater for agriculture. As a result, Manju and Nikita’s family will have nutritious food and be able to earn additional income.

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