Your Donation
Can Change the Future
When you give to OneProsper, you are making an investment in a girl, a family, and a community, transforming the future to one of hope, optimism, and prosperity.
How Your Donation Is Used
From building water infrastructure to providing bicycles, school supplies, and more, your donation to Project Parivartan is an investment to transform families’ lives. Here’s a breakdown of what your donation funds:

Clean Water & Transportation
With $90 USD, we can provide families with 1 biosand filter to provide them with clean water, or 2 bicycles for girls to commute to school.
Education & Nutrition Starter Kit
$300 USD funds each family’s first year of school supplies and tuition for two girls, as well as vegetable seeds and fruit tree saplings.

Basic Water Infrastructure
For $560 USD, we’re able to build a taanka or a khadin, each of which will provide families with years of use.
A Family’s Future
Each family that we support has two school-aged daughters. For $1,900 USD, we can make it possible for the girls to go to school, for their mothers to increase incomes, and for their whole family to have improved access to clean water and nutritious food.

Double Your Donation Value
Thanks to a generous match from the Richa & Atul Aggarwal Family Foundation,every $1 you donate to OneProsper becomes $2! That means the value of your donation is automatically doubled at no additional cost to you. This matching program won’t last forever — take advantage of it now by donating today.
Automate Monthly Donations
Automatic recurring donations allow you to continuously support OneProsper without remembering to visit our website regularly. And they provide us with reliable funding, allowing us to expand our programs over time. Consider selecting the “monthly recurring” option when making your donation.
Ask Your Company to Match Your Gift
Crowdfunding is a wonderful way to grow your donation. By sharing your passion for supporting OneProsper, you can inspire your friends and family to give as well. Set up a fundraiser on Facebook, or post about our mission and your gift to your preferred social network.
Inspire Your Friends & Family to Give
Many employers sponsor programs to match charitable contributions made by their employees. Gifts from employees’ spouses or partners and company retirees may even qualify for a match. Search for OneProsper International intheir database, or ask your employer if they offer this!
More Ways to Give
You Can Change a Girl’s Future
Our work depends on you. Every donation makes a difference, whether an individual gives $10 or a corporation sponsors an entire family.
We are also in need of volunteers to keep our work going.
Visit the How to Help page for more information.
Visit the How to Help page for more information.